Traditional Only® Carbon ArrowsItem Number: 6781X
$109.99 $109.99 - $199.99
Made in the US
Traditional Only® Carbon Arrows

Traditional Only® Carbon Arrows

Item Number: 6781X
$109.99 $109.99 - $199.99
Made in the US

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Traditional Only Carbon Arrows are the traditional archer's perfect carbon arrows. Perfect for bowhunters, with proper grain weight for pass-through penetration and excellent arrow flight. Discover the strength and versatility of carbon arrows with pre-fletched Traditional Only carbon arrows.

Fletched with three 5" shield Left wing TrueFlight turkey feathers for the perfect balance of speed and stability. The cock feather is traditional barred and the hen feathers are the same color per pack, but can vary between Red, White, Yellow, or Fl-Lime. You may request a hen color, and based on availability, we will do our best to match it.

The Traditional Only offers no-glare PhotoFusion wood grain finish that gives quiet draws every time. Expect the best high-strength ICS C2 carbon. Straightness ± .003" with weight tolerance of ± 2.0 grains, and OD (outside diameter) of the popular 5/16". Excellent energy retention, and perfect combination of speed, durability, and price. Nocks installed, inserts included. 

Sold in packs of 12 or 6.

  • Made in the USA by Easton.
  • Deflections of 600, 500, 400, 340, and 300
  • Sold by dozen or 6-pack
  • PhotoFusion wood grain finish
  • High-strength ICS C2 carbon
  • Straightness ± .003" and weight tolerance of ± 2.0 grains
  • H Nock (600 spine) or Super Nock (500-300 spines) installed
  • Nocks are white - color subject to change without notice
  • Outside Diameter of 5/16" (600 spine is 9/32")
  • Inside Diameter of .246" (600 spine is 0.231")

Please read about Carbon Arrow Safety here.

Traditional Only Carbon Shafting Specifics
6005/16"7.030¾"11grH NockAA
5005/16"8.030¾"14grSuper NockBB
4005/16"9.131½"14grSuper NockCC
3405/16"10.032"14grSuper NockDD
3005/16"10.132½"14grSuper NockDD
Straightness  ±.003"       Weight  ±2gr

Services Available Any service requested may delay shipment. Items with services applied are non-refundable.

Cut Shafts to Length:  Have your carbon arrows cut to length. The length is measured from the valley of the nock to the end of the shaft. Minimum length is 27". Tolerance for cut length is ±1/16".

Install Point Inserts:  Choose this option to have our experts install your Point Inserts in your shafts. We use epoxy style adhesives on all inserts and most points. Once they are installed, they are permanent. If you want us to use different inserts or adapters (i.e. brass point inserts), please put a comment on your order during checkout referencing what item numbers to use together.

Standard Fletch:  Our experienced fletchers will 3-fletch your arrow shafting with 5" shield left wing turkey feathers. The cock feather will be traditional barred and the two hen feathers will be your choice of white, yellow, red, or fluorescent lime (same color for all arrows). Hen feather color can be requested and will be fletched on a CLEAR cap wrap. No substitutions. Allow 4-7 additional business days for your order to be processed.

If you prefer to customize your shaft with additional options, please use our Arrow Builder

See Printable Shaft Selection Chart PDF

Review Arrow Safety

Warning: Cancer and Reproductive Harm