Woodyweights® were developed by a lifelong traditional bowhunter looking for a better way to add weight to his wood arrows. Woodyweights® not only add weight to wood arrows, they add weight to the front of the shaft achieveing the advantages of a weight forward arrow. Weight forward arrows straighten more quickly in flight, have more stable flight and give better penetration than standard arrows.
Woodyweights® are available in six grain weights from 75 to 200 grain, sized to fit 11/32" and 23/64" shafts. Woodyweights® have also been used on aluminum and carbon arrows with an adapter and produce excellent results.
This system allows wood arrow bowhunters the ability to increase the weights of their arrows and adjust the amount of weight forward. Hunting arrows can be tuned and dialed into hunting arrows in a way not possible for wood arrows in the past.
Please Note: Woodyweights® will weaken the dynamic spine of your arrow shaft.