Behold the mighty ram! A tenacious creature that's hard-hitting and never-quitting!
Farmington Archery took inspiration from this magnificent animal when they designed their Ram Takedown Bow Riser. Strong, sturdy, and made to last, this riser is ready for any challenge.
The Ram Takedown Riser is made from quality materials with a bold and robust design. For target archers and bowhunters who like a little "meat" on their riser, the Ram is built for them.
Riser: Features a standard grip and is made from bubinga and maple. The radiused shelf is cut to center. Arrow rest and plate sold separately. The 22" riser model features stabilizer and ATA accessory (sight) bushings installed. The 18" model has no bushings installed.
String: Comes with a B55 Dacron 60" or 64" 16-strand black bow string.
The Ram Takedown Riserfeatures a standard limb bolt attachment system with alignment pins. Comes with an Allen wrench for installing the limbs using the included limb bolts.
Available in right or left handed in riser lengths of 18" or 22". Please specify.
- Features
- Riser lengths of 18" or 22"
- Maple and Bubinga riser
- Radiused cut-to-center shelf
- Stabilizer bushing, sight bushing, and bottom bushing holes
- Recommended brace height: 7¼" - 8¼"
See complete Ram Takedown Recurve Bow
See Ram Takedown Recurve Bow Limbs