Give your arrows a natural look with Bearpaw natural barred turkey feather fletchings. Natural barred turkey feathers not only look authentic and traditional, but because they are not dyed they retain more of their natural oils, making them water resistant.
Features a 0.5" high shield cut profile. Available in 5" or 4" in left wing or right wing with 12-packs, 50-packs, or 100-packs. Please specify. Supplies are limited so no back orders accepted.
See Bearpaw full length natural barred turkey feathers
What Wing Feather to Shoot?
It is an old belief that a Right handed (RH) shooter must shoot Left wing (LW) so the arrow spins away from the riser on release. This is not the case. An arrow only starts spinning once it is several feet in front of the bow, so feel free to shoot Left or Right wing.