TrueFlight Spiral Wrap Flu-Flu cut FeathersItem Number: 20L2X
$31.99 $31.99 - $55.99

Not your typical Flu Flu! These Spiral Wrap Flu-Flu Feathers from TrueFlight add a new dimension of style and fun to your arrow building. Thinner quills make it easier to wrap a Flu-Flu arrow (see installation tips below). Slows your arrow down within approx 20-30 yards, so great for aerial shooting or bird/small game hunting.
Solid Colors: Green, Lime, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, White, or Yellow.
Barred Colors: Green, Lime, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Traditional, or Yellow.
Click here for installation instructions
Available in Left Wing only. Sold in packs of 50.